is your kink just peer-reviewed pseudoscience?

we've had hundreds of years of an ongoing unconscious centering of male desire... manifesting as a fetishisizing of domination and a capitalist patriarchy-turned-daddy.

is your kink just peer-reviewed pseudoscience?

Do y'all know about the OG Freud findings?

About 200 years ago, Sigmund Freud uncovers alarming occurrences of child abuse in his patients while working as a psychologist.

He writes a thoughtful and ground-breaking paper outlining his findings and elucidating the role of incest and child abuse in mental illness among the women he was treating...

Of course, his findings implicated wealthy and influential men...lots of the same ones who were paying him. So Freud's paper was thrown out.

In the face of challenges, Freud abandoned his theory to instead give us a new version...
....the ghosts of which still haunt assumptions around trauma today...

Freud's peer-pressure induced new paper put forth the idea that recounts of abuse were actually fantasies.

So we've had hundreds of years of the cultural and academic milieu projecting forth the theory of "she wanted it."

Hundreds of years of the role of trauma shoved into the collective shadow...

and an ongoing unconscious centering of male desire...

(manifesting as a fetishisizing of domination and a capitalist patriarchy-turned-daddy. 👀🧐)

Only recently the truth of trauma and dissociation's role in mental illness is coming back into the light again.

What has been suppressed in the psyche will always find a way to bubble up into awareness, so it can be healed and transformed.

And look, a quick glance at many mainstream kink sexuality resources will find plenty of people enthusiastically affirming these fantasies, encouraging and even teaching how to enact them...

But while acceptance is a great first step for healing, this really begs the question:

How long are we gonna do this for? 🤔

The intent we charge with our erotic play is real power, and harnessing that energy is truly the kinkiest way to engage with reality.

There are plenty of sex magic wisdom traditions that believe what we embody in the heat of our arousal is what change we create in the world– I can only imagine what change people role-playing sex with children believe they are creating in the world.

Unkinking is a path for revolutionaries committed to sexual sovereignty and transformation. Folks who know their body is a force of nature for creating change in alignment with their will.

Because fuck the patriarchy was never meant to be taken literally.